Moving water ideally sealed
Only those who have already created more than one pond know this: It's not that simple. Location, depth, modelling, substrate, planting and, last but not least, the type of waterproofing all play a role. Also: Does it have to be a pond at all? If it weren't for the space-saving sump ditch, the swimming pond would be something for the athletically ambitious. And what about a little stream that flows in your own garden? Questions over questions, to which we garden & landscape experts know the answer and deliver the quality. Whether garden or swimming pond. We provide the ideas and take care of the execution. Professional and at an excellent price-performance ratio.
The construction of near-natural clay-lined water surfaces is a speciality of our company. 50,000 m2 of pond area have been realised by us in the last ten years, giving us unique experience in Germany. Technically up to date, we are excellently equipped for the realisation of large projects.
Ponds and lakes are central elements of modern urban planning considerations. Open water areas enhance areas, they fulfil the bathing needs of the inhabitants of a region and create habitats for a variety of plants and animals.
As a fire water basin, for flood protection, as a bathing lake or for the creation of biotopes.
Our services at a glance:
... and rethink places.